
Join us for our horse trials, combined tests, & clinics in Southwest Virginia!

Take advantage of the opportunity to compete with the other eventers in USEA Area II!

Step 1

Review the prizelist for all the show details.

Step 2

Submit an online entry form.

Step 3

Sign and submit all your required documents.

  1. BREA Waiver
  2. USEA Waiver
  3. USEF Waiver
  4. Negative Coggins

Step 4

Pay your entry fees electronically.

Step 5

Print and insert your USEA Medical Card into your medical armband to wear during jumping phases. Required for Cross Country Schooling and Cross Country Phase

Step 6

Check your entry stats & times.

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Eventing Levels

Cross Country Jumping

Coachable by one (1) person. This person can verbally coach the rider. Coach cannot physically assist in any fashion. Consists of approximately to 10 obstacles that will not exceed 10” and all obstacles will be grounded (not open bottom). Will not be timed but penalties will be counted if the MAXIMUM time of five (5) minutes is exceeded at 1.0 penalties per second. Circling, refusals, and all other penalties will be followed by the guidelines set forth by USEA.

Stadium Jumping
Coachable by one (1) person. This person can verbally coach the rider. Coach cannot physically assist in any fashion. Consists of up to 16 obstacles that will not exceed 10” and all obstacles will be grounded (not open bottom). Will not be timed but penalties will be counted if the MAXIMUM time of five (5) minutes is exceeded at 1.0 penalties per second. Circling, refusals, and all other penalties will be followed by the guidelines set forth by USEA.

Coachable by one (1) person. This person can verbally coach the rider and/or read the dressage test. Coach cannot physically assist in any fashion. Test is Intro Test A or Western Dressage Intro Test 1 (please alert secretary on the entry form).

  • Combined Test: dressage and stadium jumping
  • Horse Trial: dressage, stadium jumping, and cross country jumping
  • Cross-Country Numbers: light blue background with black numbers
  • Stadium Numbers: white background with black numbers
  • Dressage Test: USDF 2019 Intro Test B

Cross Country Jumping
Coachable by one (1) person. This person can verbally coach the rider. Coach cannot physically assist in any fashion. Consists of approximately 12 obstacles that will not exceed 18” and all obstacles will be typical cross country fashioned jumping efforts. NO water or ditches. Will not be timed but penalties will be counted if the MAXIMUM time of five (5) minutes is exceeded at 1.0 penalties per second. Circling, refusals, and all other penalties will be followed by the guidelines set forth by USEA.

Stadium Jumping
Coachable by one (1) person. This person can verbally coach the rider. Coach cannot physically assist in any fashion. Consists of up to 16 obstacles that will not exceed 18” and all obstacles will be crossed rails. Will not be timed but penalties will be counted if the MAXIMUM time of four (4) minutes is exceeded at 1.0 penalties per second. Circling, refusals, and all other penalties will be followed by the guidelines set forth by USEA.

Test is not coachable. Test is Intro Test B.

  • Combined Test: dressage and stadium jumping
  • Horse Trial: dressage, stadium jumping, and cross country jumping
  • Cross-Country Numbers: light green background with white numbers
  • Stadium Numbers: white background with black numbers
  • Dressage Test: USDF 2019 Intro Test C

Cross Country Jumping
Coachable by one (1) person. This person can verbally coach the rider. Coach cannot physically assist in any fashion. Consists of approximately 12 obstacles that will not exceed 2’ and all obstacles will be typical cross country fashioned jumping efforts. NO water or ditches. Will not be timed but penalties will be counted if the MAXIMUM time of five (5) minutes is exceeded at 1.0 penalties per second. Circling, refusals, and all other penalties will be followed by the guidelines set forth by USEA.

Stadium Jumping
Not coachable. Consists of up to 16 obstacles that will not exceed 2’ and all obstacles will be verticals – no oxers. Will not be timed but penalties will be counted if the MAXIMUM time of four (4) minutes is exceeded at 1.0 penalties per second. Circling, refusals, and all other penalties will be followed by the guidelines set forth by USEA.

Test is not coachable. Test is Intro Test C.

  • Combined Test: dressage and stadium jumping
  • Horse Trial: dressage, stadium jumping, and cross country jumping
  • Cross-Country Numbers: dark green background with light green numbers
  • Stadium Numbers: white background with black numbers
  • Dressage Test: USEA 2022 Starter Test

Cross Country Jumping

Consists of approximately 15 obstacles that will not exceed 2’3” and all obstacles will be typical cross country fashioned jumping efforts. Water, ditches, brush, up and down banks to 12”. Will not be timed but penalties will be counted if the MAXIMUM time of five (5) minutes is exceeded at 1.0 penalties per second. Circling, refusals, and all other penalties will be followed by the guidelines set forth by USEA.

Stadium Jumping
Consists of up to 16 obstacles that will not exceed 2’3”. Vertical and Oxers, no combinations less than 3 strides. Will be timed at 275 mpm. Circling, refusals, and all other penalties will be followed by the guidelines set forth by USEA.


  • Combined Test: dressage and stadium jumping
  • Horse Trial: dressage, stadium jumping, and cross country jumping
  • Cross-Country Numbers: yellow background with black numbers
  • Stadium Numbers: white background with black numbers
  • Dressage Test: USEF/USEA 2022 Beginner Novice Test A

Cross Country Jumping
Consists of approximately 18 obstacles that will not exceed 2’7” and all obstacles will be typical cross country fashioned jumping efforts. Water, ditches, brush up to 3’3”, up and down banks to 18”. Will be timed at 350-400 mpm with speed faults. Circling, refusals, and all other penalties will be followed by the guidelines set forth by USEA.

Stadium Jumping
Consists of up to 16 obstacles that will not exceed 2’7”. Vertical and Oxers, and combinations. Will be timed at 300 mpm. Circling, refusals, and all other penalties will be followed by the guidelines set forth by USEA.

Test is Beginner Novice Test A.

  • Combined Test: dressage and stadium jumping
  • Horse Trial: dressage, stadium jumping, and cross country jumping
  • Cross-Country Numbers: white background with black numbers
  • Stadium Numbers: white background with black numbers
  • Dressage Test: USEF/USEA 2022 Novice Test A

Cross Country Jumping
Consists of approximately 24 obstacles that will not exceed 2’11” and all obstacles will be typical cross country fashioned jumping efforts. Water, fences in and out of water, ditches, brush up to 3’, up and down banks to 2’. Will be timed between 420-470 mpm. Circling, refusals, and all other penalties will be followed by the guidelines set forth by USEA.

Stadium Jumping
Consists of up to 20 obstacles that will not exceed 2’11”. Vertical and Oxers, and combinations. Will be timed at 320. Circling, refusals, and all other penalties will be followed by the guidelines set forth by USEA.

Test is Novice Test A.

  • Combined Test: dressage and stadium jumping
  • Horse Trial: dressage, stadium jumping, and cross country jumping
  • Cross-Country Numbers: white background with black numbers
  • Stadium Numbers: white background with black numbers
  • Dressage Test: USEF/USEA 2022 Training Test A

Cross Country Jumping
Consists of approximately 24 obstacles that will not exceed 2’11” and all obstacles will be typical cross country fashioned jumping efforts. Water, fences in and out of water, ditches, brush up to 3’7”, up and down banks to 2’. Will be timed between 420-470 mpm. Circling, refusals, and all other penalties will be followed by the guidelines set forth by USEA.

Stadium Jumping
Consists of up to 20 obstacles that will not exceed 3’3”. Vertical and Oxers, and combinations. Will be timed at 325 mpm. Circling, refusals, and all other penalties will be followed by the guidelines set forth by USEA.

Test is Training Test A.

  • Combined Test: dressage and stadium jumping
  • Stadium Numbers: white background with black numbers
  • Dressage TestUSEF/USEA Training Test A

Stadium Jumping
Consists of up to 20 obstacles that will not exceed 3’3”. Vertical and Oxers, and combinations. Will be timed at 325 mpm. Circling, refusals, and all other penalties will be followed by the guidelines set forth by USEA.

Test is Training Test A.

  • Combined Test: dressage and stadium jumping
  • Stadium Numbers: white background with black numbers
  • Dressage Test: USEF/USEA Modified Test A

Consists of up to 20 obstacles that will not exceed 3’5”. Verticals, oxers, and combinations. Will be timed at 325 mpm. Circling, refusals, and all other penalties will be followed but the guidelines set forth by the USEA.

Test is Modified Test A

Stadium Jumping
Consists of up to 20 obstacles that will not exceed 3’7”. Vertical and Oxers, and combinations. Will be timed at 350 mpm. Circling, refusals, and all other penalties will be followed by the guidelines set forth by USEA.

Test is Preliminary Test A.

Jump Heights

Stadium Cross-Country
Tadpole 10" 10"
Cross Rails 18" 18"
Green 2' 2'
Advanced Green 2'3" 2'3"
Beginner Novice 2'7" 2'7"
Novice 2'11" 2'11"
Novice Plus 3'3" 2'11"
Training 3'3" N/A
Modified 3'5" N/A
Preliminary 3'7" N/A

Our Facility

A public facility owned by Roanoke County and operated by a private Board of Directors exclusively for the equine enthusiast.

Feel exhilarated & proud of your success.

You deserve to become the best eventer you can be.