Dressage Tests: 2023 USDF Intro to Second Level, 2022 Western Dressage, Working Equitation Level 1-7, 2022 USEF Eventing Test Starter to Training, 2025 Working Equitation Dressage Tests
Starting times will be emailed to competitors and available by phone on the Thursday before the show. Times will be posted on www.breventing.org
Ribbons will be awarded up to 6th place. Horse Trials and Combined Test divisions will be divided into Junior/Young Rider & Senior unless there are 2 or fewer in a division. If no age is stated on the entry form, it will be assumed that the rider is a Senior competitor (over 18).
Show management reserves the right to combine, divide, or cancel classes as entries warrant.
USEF/USEA rules will be followed unless otherwise noted by show management.
Horses competing in a horse trial may only enter additional dressage tests (no additional jumping phases allowed). Paid schooling rounds are only permitted after the entry has completed their judged jumping round(s).
All Dogs MUST be leashed at all times. Owners of impounded dogs will be fined $35.
Dress is casual, neat and tidy. Half chaps are allowed. Medical armbands MUSTbe worn when jumping.
Volunteers that work 4+ hours setting up pre-show or during the show day will receive a stall FREE of charge (you are still responsible for cleaning the stall at the end of the day).
From the time horses are officially admitted to the competition grounds by management, anyone mounted on a horse at any time on the competition grounds, including non-competing riders, riders on non-competing horses, mounted participants in exhibition classes and those competing in all classes and tests, including Para-Equestrian tests, must wear protective headgear as defined by this rule and otherwise in compliance with GR801. Any rider violating this rule at any time must immediately be prohibited from further riding until such headgear is properly in place.
Protective headgear is defined as a riding helmet which meets or exceeds ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) /SEI (Safety Equipment Institute) standards for equestrian use and carries the SEI Tag. The harness must be secured and properly fitte
Neat & tidy
Half chaps allowed
Body protective vests for XC
Medical armband when jumping
Available for Purchase
How to Enter
Step 1
Submit an online entry form before the closing date.